An astrological birth chart is based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other planetary objects at the date, time and location of your birth. It offers a snapshot of your personality and a better understanding of your inner nature. $150.00 1 hour
A Natal as described above, plus a six month projection. Astrological forecasting can provide you with some unique insights into your current challenges and your relationships with others; it also reveals your potentials and future possibilities. $225.00 1 Hr 30 Min
A six month update which can provide you with some unique insights into your current life challenges and into your relationships with others; it also reveals your potentials and some of the possibilities that may present themselves in the near future. $100.00 1 Hr. 30 Min
The relationship horoscope is quite a handy tool for those in partnership who wish to explore the strengths, potentials and weaknesses of the relationship as well as assisting you too improve your communications and overcome those inevitable challenges. $275.00 1 Hr. 30 Min
Positive timing for life’s important events. Casting an electional chart aims to bring together two groups of things: the potentials and the realities of any given situation. It is choosing the best moment to act. $90.00 45 Min
A single question update on any single topic as determined by a throw of the cards. $70.00 30 Min
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